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Your Dog. Our Responsibility.

At NettaFurryBabies, every furry friend and their people are treated like members of the family. Johnette has dedicated her career to freshening up pups with terrific new looks and feels. Every pup, cat, rabbit, and guinea pig are unique and deserves the best possible care! We offer training to boost your dog’s confidence and relieve anxiety and boarding to make them feel at home while you’re gone. Your furry companion will be treated with love and attention.

Johnette Wiggins

Meet Our Owner

Johnette Wiggins

Founder and Owner of NettaFurryBabies

Born and raised in the vibrant city of Jacksonville, Florida, Johnette Wiggins discovered her lifelong passion for animals at the tender age of 7. Her journey into the world of animal care and training began with the arrival of two German Shepherds into her family’s home, marking the very first dogs she would train. As time passed, her love for dogs deepened, becoming a central part of her life.

While her initial path led her to the military, Johnette soon realized that a higher calling awaited her—to be her own boss and pursue her love for working with animals. In 2017, she founded NettaFurryBabies, a business that would reflect her authentic and unwavering dedication to her furry clients.

In 2018, Johnette took her commitment a step further by enrolling in the Animal Behavior College Grooming Program.

Throughout her career, Johnette has earned a grooming diploma and garnered several certifications in dog training, demonstrating her expertise and dedication to her craft. Her impressive list of certifications includes:

  • Pet Psychology
  • Covid-19 Certification
  • Safe Group in Pet Care Facility
  • AKC Rally Master Class
  • Therapy Dog Training (for emotional support, anxiety, and depression)
  • Barbicide
  • Hair and Skin Care
  • Master Dog Certification

Her outstanding work has not gone unnoticed. In 2023, Johnette was honored with the “Best of Bold City 2023” award in pet grooming, pet training, boarding/daycare, and rehabilitation. She also received the “Best of Florida 2023” award in Grooming.

Johnette is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a recognized community partner, having received the “2023 Community Partner” designation from the Annie Ruth Foundation. She has partnered with Eckerd Connections, furthering her mission to make a positive impact on the lives of animals and their owners.

The name “NettaFurryBabies” is a testament to her deep connection to her work. It reflects authenticity and raw passion, setting her business apart from competitors. Johnette’s unique selling point lies in the unmatched level of communication she maintains with her clients and their fur babies. Every interaction reflects her unwavering commitment to pure authenticity in the world of pet care.

Johnette Wiggins, the heart and soul behind NettaFurryBabies, continues to leave an indelible mark on the pet care industry through her dedication, expertise, and heartfelt approach to her work.

Contact Us Today

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    *All pet parents must provide proof of current vaccinations in order to received services.

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